Photoshop for Screen Printing: Advanced Color Separations
How to Protect Your Artwork From Copyright Infringement
What is Copyright Infringement and Why Does it Matter to Screen Printers?
The Tools Needed for Oversized Prints
Screen printing is a creative industry, where the only limit is your imagination. Well, not the only thing: sometimes it’s the equipment. Have you ever wanted to print a design on the entire back of a t-shirt, but didn’t have the right equipment or supplies to pull it off? Oversized prints are bold and draw attention no matter what you print. But in order to do it right, you need the right tools. Let’s take a look at what oversized prints are and how to print them properly.
How to Add Texture to Designs in Procreate
How You Can Make a T-Shirt Design in Procreate
How to Use Photo Compositing to Make a Template in Procreate
Why Printers Need to Master Adobe Illustrator for Screen Printing
Why Screen Printers Should Learn Procreate
Tons of screen printers have been using Adobe® Illustrator to create designs for prints. It’s necessary to know how to use it. But wouldn’t it be easier if you could just sketch out ideas, hone them in, and then finalize them to be printed? That’s where Procreate comes in. The Apple app makes the sketching and concepting process simple. If you’ve never used it before, check out the new Designing in Procreate course. Golden Press Studio’s Art Director Cory Romeiser will teach you the ins and outs of the program so you can start making rad art.