Automated Pre-press Production Workflows
Pre-press production workflows have benefited greatly from various advancements in technology and automation. As an example of this, let’s talk about the automated workflow possible with the Saati ProCoat Dual Auto Coater and the Douthitt CTS30 wax printer. In the video below, you can see how we take you through the current darkroom set up […]
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Saati ProCoat Dual Screen Auto Coater
If you’re part of a larger shop, or even if you’re still getting there, then the idea of coating 400-500 screens in an 8-hourt shift at a 2/1 coat must sound like a dream. The good news is that this dream can be real with the Saati ProCoat Dual Screen Auto Coater. This beast of […]
The post Saati ProCoat Dual Screen Auto Coater appeared first on Ryonet Blog.