PrintGRIP Tips & Tricks!  |

Get a GRIP with PrintGRIP Tips & Tricks!

Today, we're sharing practical advice on using PrintGRIP for both automated and manual screen printing setups. Let’s get started! STARTING RIGHT W...
Best Practices to Keep Your Screen Printing Platens in Great Shape  |

Best Practices to Keep Your Screen Printing Platens in Great Shape

Jacelyn Wedman
When you take care of your platens, you’ll be able to keep them around longer without having to replace them. Platens can be expensive, so you’ll want to replace them as little as possible. So how do you take care of those precious platens? Here are a few best practices to get the most life out of your platens.
Dual Tack Platen Tape vs. Platen Adhesive: Which is Better?  |

Dual Tack Platen Tape vs. Platen Adhesive: Which is Better?

Jacelyn Wedman
When taping platens and applying adhesive, every screen printer has a couple of options. You could tape your platens with regular platen tape and then apply adhesive, or use dual tack platen tape and knock the process out in one step. So which method is better? Are there instances where you should use one method over the other? Strap in, we’re about to answer your questions.
Answers to 5 Common Screen Printing Questions  |

Answers to 5 Common Screen Printing Questions

Jacelyn Wedman
Print expert Jamie Leinbach went live on Instagram recently to talk about printing with white plastisol ink on black garments. During the live stream, she answered plenty of questions from the audience. Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions.
Switch to Water-Based Pallet Adhesive for These 4 Benefits  |

Switch to Water-Based Pallet Adhesive for These 4 Benefits

Jacelyn Wedman
Keeping a shop clean is essential. A clean shop not only keeps the space looking nice but keeps your equipment running at max capacity. If you’ve used aerosol adhesive, you’ll notice it gets everywhere. The adhesive might work, but also will stick to anything in its path. One way to keep a shop cleaner is to use water-based adhesive. Let’s talk about how to use the adhesive and the benefits of keeping it stocked in your shop.