Distressed Print with Wilflex Epic Rio RFU and the ROQ Automatic Press  | Screenprinting.com

Distressed Print with Wilflex Epic Rio RFU and the ROQ Automatic Press

Josh Valencia
Whether you're wanting a distressed style print for fun or professionally, Colin takes us through what you need to know! In this video you'll find great tips on distressed printing using the ROQ Next Automatic Screen Printing Press and Wilflex Epic Rio RFU inks. Colin breaks down some fundamentals in ink selection, mesh, squeegee pressure/angle and some techniques for getting that sweet vintage look on an auto press.  
Screen Printing Meets Community Cause with 'Run For The Hungry'  | Screenprinting.com

Screen Printing Meets Community Cause with 'Run For The Hungry'

Jamie Leinbach
When the opportunity to collaborate with Gateway Church on their “Run for the Hungry" event came knocking at Ryonet's door, we couldn't wait to roll up our sleeves. Tasked with creating custom long sleeve shirts for the event, we found ourselves fueled by the initiative's noble cause, as highlighted on Gateway's Missions and Outreach website.
How to Prep Plastisol Ink for Screen Printing  | Screenprinting.com

Cómo preparar la tinta de plastisol para la impresión de pantalla

Jamie Leinbach
Cuando compras un cubo detinta de plastisol, podría haber estado sentado en un estante un poco antes de llegar a su tienda. Puede notar que su tinta se ha separado un poco. Incluso las tintas listas para usar pueden separarse con el tiempo. Hablemos de por qué sucede esto y qué puede hacer para preparar su tinta antes de dirigirse a la prensa.
Creeping It Real While Screen Printing Spooky T-Shirt Designs  | Screenprinting.com

Creeping It Real While Screen Printing Spooky T-Shirt Designs

Sage Larson

Screen printing, the art of turning an idea into a tangible masterpiece, is a process that combines creativity, precision, and skill. The journey from concept to a stunning print can be as intricate as it is rewarding, often involving various steps, each requiring a unique set of skills and techniques.

In this video, we take you behind the scenes of a screen printing project that might just be a masterpiece in the making. It all starts with a bold vision, a striking design, and the need to transform that artwork into a screen-printed reality.

Decoding Poly White Inks & Dye Blocker Inks for Screen Printing on Polyester Fabrics  | Screenprinting.com

Decoding Poly White Inks & Dye Blocker Inks for Screen Printing on Polyester Fabrics

Sage Larson
You may have been perusing the market, looking for inks that’ll help you print on polyester materials like a pro. Have you noticed that there are a few types of polyester inks like a dye blocker ink and Poly White ink? What’s the point? Do you need both? Can you get away with having one or the other? Let’s take a deeper look at dye blocker inks and Poly White inks to see what roles they play in screen printing.
Tips to Printing on Waterproof Garments with Wilflex Epic Hugger Catalyst  | Screenprinting.com

Cómo imprimir en nylon windbreakers

Sage Larson
Impresión en Nylon es una lucha. Muchas variables y diferencias en el material pueden dificultar los trabajos de impresión. Una vez que obtienes el proceso correcto, es muy fácil. Jonathan OverMeyer en Golden Press Studio camina a través de cómo imprimir en nylon windbreakers usando su diseño original de camisa.
Mastering Color Accuracy with Wilflex Epic Rio Plastisol Ink Mixing System  | Screenprinting.com

Mastering Color Accuracy with Wilflex Epic Rio Plastisol Ink Mixing System

Sage Larson
In screen printing, your print shop's ability to quickly make color adjustments or to match requested color shades can either make or break a sale. Include high volume production and the ability to print wet on wet and you are narrowing the playing field even more. Your mixing system is as much a sales tool as it is an ink you print with. The Wilflex Rio Mixing system and the IMS 3.0 mixing system are powerful tools that help you quickly mix your desired Pantone solid-coated color simulation.
A Quick Guide to Choosing the Right Wilflex White Ink for Your Screen Printing Needs  | Screenprinting.com

A Quick Guide to Choosing the Right Wilflex White Ink for Your Screen Printing Needs

Sage Larson
Are you struggling to decide which Wilflex white ink is the perfect fit for your screen printing needs? We're here to help you navigate through the options and make an informed choice. Let's dive into the three Wilflex white inks we have in store and explore what each excels at. By the end of this guide, you'll be well-equipped to select the ideal Wilflex ink for your specific requirements.
3 Ways to Create Soft Prints with Plastisol Ink  | Screenprinting.com

3 formas de crear impresiones suaves con tinta de plastisol

Jacelyn Wedman
Las impresiones de mano suave se logran mejor con tinta a base de agua, pero se pueden hacer continta de plastisol también. Entre las tintas que elige usar, es posible las prendas que está imprimiendo, a los aditivos de tinta disponibles, lo que es posible lograr impresiones suaves de plastisol. Echemos un vistazo a tres formas de crear impresiones de mano suaves con tinta de plastisol.


How to Handle Plastisol Ink in Cool Temperatures  | Screenprinting.com

Cómo manejar la tinta de plastisol a temperaturas frías

Sage Larson
¿Estás soñando con los cálidos días de verano cuando tu tinta fluye tan suavemente? El invierno y sus temperaturas más frías seguramente dificultan una impresora de pantalla, especialmente con tintas de plastisol blancas. La tinta se siente gruesa, fibrosa y rígida. Requiere más esfuerzo para establecer un buen depósito de tinta. ¿Tiene que ser tan difícil? No. El gurú de la tinta y la química Colin Huggins comparte sus secretos para hacer que la tinta blanca de plastisol sea más fácil de manejar durante los meses más fríos.
How to Achieve Matte or Glossy Screen Prints  | Screenprinting.com

Cómo lograr impresiones de pantalla mate o brillantes

Sage Larson
La tinta tiene la capacidad de verse mate o brillante. A veces, una impresión saldrá de la secadora que parece más brillante de lo esperado, o más mate de lo que está buscando. Se pregunta cómo ajustar el aspecto final deltinta? Veamoslo.
Everything You Need to Know to Screen Print an Underbase  | Screenprinting.com

Todo lo que necesita saber para imprimir en pantalla una base subterránea

Sage Larson
Saber cómo imprimir en pantalla una base es crucial para las impresoras de pantalla. Si desea una impresión brillante y vívida, deberá colocar una base blanca sólida. El propietario de Rogue Lab, Lee Stuart, desglose los pasos sobre cómo lograr una fantástica base.