How Adobe Illustrator’s New Mock-Up Beta Tool is Saving the Screenprinter’s Time  |

How Adobe Illustrator’s New Mock-Up Beta Tool is Saving the Screenprinter’s Time

Kylie Waltz
The mock-up of a design is one of the (dare I say it) most important tools used to sell designs on t-shirts. It can be difficult to imagine how something will look on a shirt without the image.
Secrets To Screen Printing Metallic Inks  |

Secrets To Screen Printing Metallic Inks

Josh Valencia
Lee Stuart shares expert tips on how to screen print with metallic inks on T-shirts. Many beginners try to use metallic inks with just one screen that has a low mesh count. This simple method ends up using too much ink and makes the print heavy on the shirt. Lee has some recommendations to make this better.
Exploring AI in Art, Graphic Design and Screen Printing  |

Exploring AI in Art, Graphic Design and Screen Printing

Josh Valencia
In this video, the Josh from @joshisterric talks about how artificial intelligence (AI), with tools like DALL-E and MidJourney, is changing art and graphic design. These tools can make art from text descriptions, which is cool but also makes people wonder about the future of human artists.
Vinyl Start To Vivid Growth With Okie Print Barn  |

Vinyl Start To Vivid Growth With Okie Print Barn

Josh Valencia
Back in 2017, Okie Print Barn's journey into screen printing began in a humble garage, with Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV) as the initial method for cre...
The Darkside of Screen Printing  |

The Dark(er) side of Screen Printing

Josh Valencia
If you're curious about screen printing or want to get better at it, these videos are for you! From getting everything set up in Part 1 to seeing e...
How to Set Up Your Online Store and Establish a Presence on Social Media for Your At Home Business  |

How to Set Up Your Online Store and Establish a Presence on Social Media for Your At Home Business

Sage Larson
You got all your screen printing equipment and supplies set up at home. You've printed out some designs for your brand. You're ready to show the world what you can do. It's time to get online to build your online store and establish a social media presence. 
How to Print Your Own Custom Boxes  |

How to Print Your Own Custom Boxes

Josh Valencia
Why bother customizing the boxes you ship garments in? It's actually a small, but significant way to stand out from the crowd and look incredibly professional. That package is the customer's first impression of your business, why not make it a good one? Luckily, it's fairly easy to print on cardboard boxes. Rogue Lab Owner Lee Stuart breaks down every step of the process — from creating the artwork to curing the ink — so you can customize your own boxes effortlessly. 
Total Eclipse of the Print  |

Total Eclipse of the Print

Robb Cummings
On a day when the skies turned dark, our Texas team found themselves in the perfect spot to witness the awe-inspiring solar eclipse. But it wasn't just the celestial spectacle that captured our hearts; it was the joy of sharing our passion for screen printing with the community.
A Guide to Industry Standard for Screen Print Placements and Dimensions  |

A Guide to Industry Standard for Screen Print Placements and Dimensions

Jacelyn Wedman
There’s a lot to consider when talking about print placement on a garment. How tall should it be? Where should it be placed? Don’t worry about having all the answers. Here’s a guide to lining up and sizing popular design placements on garments.
Tips and Tricks for Using a Water-Based Pallet Adhesive  |

Tips and Tricks for Using a Water-Based Pallet Adhesive

Josh Valencia
Decided you're ready to kick the aerosol can? Don't blame you. Who wants to inhale chemicals from a spray adhesive? Plus, a spray adhesive gets everywhere — you, your glasses (if you wear them), your press, the ground. Spray adhesive is just not worth it. If you're ready to make a switch, learn the ins and outs of using a  water-based pallet adhesive. 
Screen Printing Art In Action  |

Screen Printing Art In Action

Josh Valencia
This week, we've been scouting social media for the coolest screen printing projects/content out there, and we're amazed by what we've found. But we know you're also creating incredible stuff in your shop, and we want to showcase your hard work.
Live Printing – Preparing for the Event  |

Live Printing – Preparing for the Event

Josh Valencia
You've decided you want to live print, and you've got your first gig set up. Next step, figuring out what to bring. Knowing what to bring will depe...