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The Simple Trick To Mixing Water Based Ink

The Simple Trick To Mixing Water Based Ink  |

Ryonet Collaborator |

Using a ink mixing system offers a lot of benefits for your screen printing shop, including color flexibility, cost savings, and an added benefit to your customers. And there are a number of things that you can do to make mixing your own water based ink a bigger benefit to your shop. But there’s one simple trick you can apply right now to make mixing water based ink to the right color a simpler process: Add less white pigment.

Here, let’s walk through the process:

Say you want to mix 300 grams of Pantone 151. You will start with 147 grams of your Green Galaxy Clear Core Base. Remember to clear out your scale in between measurements to keep you on track. Next, add the gold pigment. For this color you will add 46.8 grams. Then add the red pigment, 9 grams. Finally, add the white pigment. Josh likes to cut his white in half. So for this Pantone it calls for 60 grams, and instead he adds 30 grams. Next you will mix.

By only mixing in half of the white, you allow for a little bit more wiggle room. Adding the full amount of white risks your ink becoming too pastel. As you will see in the video below, Josh decided that his ink did need a little more white. But it only took 5 more grams to get the color right.

Check out the video and Josh can show you step by step.