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How to Screen Print on Face Masks

How to Screen Print on Face Masks  |

Sage Larson |

Face masks aren't going away. Businesses are buying them for their employees. Citizens are wearing them when they run errands. Face masks are a way people can contribute to protecting others, slowing the spread, and flattening the curve. As the demand for face masks rises, so will the need for personalization on the face masks. 

In our latest video, CVO Ryan Moor shows how to tackle screen printing on cloth face masks. He goes through each step of the process: choosing ink, selecting screens, platen setup, types of masks, types of platens, printing on a manual press, printing on an auto, and curing and handling. 

In the video, Ryan used the following products and equipment related to face masks:

Trying to save as much cash as possible? Learn how to make your own face mask platen.

If you have extra t-shirts lying around, learn how to make a face mask out of a t-shirt.