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Imprinted Sportswear Show Long Beach Recap

Amy Roberts |

The 2018 Imprinted Sportswear Show Long Beach was definitely one for the books! From hanging with awesome screen printers, to live print jobs, educating about our equipment, and soaking in the California sun, the Ryonet team had an amazing time.

Release of New Equipment:

We were extremely stoked to show off the new equipment Ryonet has to offer. The Riley Hopkins 300, Ryonet Vesta, and the Epson SureColor 2100 were all major hits at the show. We even got to do some live demos.

Riley 300 Riley 300 Epson SureColor F2100 Ryonet Vesta

Live Print Jobs

Denver Print House and Maui Screen Printing both printed live jobs during the show. Maui Screen Printing printed on and sold Allmade Apparel to raise money for GOEX. Both print shops certainly ROQed.

Denver Print House


We saw a lot of familiar faces, but also met some amazing new ones!


Thank You

Thank you screen printers for helping us having an amazing time! We can’t wait to see you at the next show.

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