How to Create a 5 Color Print Using 3 Colors  |

How to Create a 5 Color Print Using 3 Colors

Sage Larson
There may be a time when a customer requests a multicolor print that requires more colors than your press can handle. Luckily, you have a few tricks you can do to make it work. Screen printing expert Colin Huggins will walk through creating the artwork for the print and how to set it up on press.
Four Ways to Print Black Plastisol Ink on a Black Shirt  |

Four Ways to Print Black Plastisol Ink on a Black Shirt

Sage Larson
Printing black plastisol ink on a black shirt — trendy, right? As with everything in screen printing, there are multiple ways to achieve this goal. From using a puff base to printing with clear base to curing at higher and lower temperatures, printers can offer a variety of effects and looks to their customers. Let's take a look to see how each technique turns out so you can decide what's best for your next print job.
How to Print Black Plastisol Ink on a White Garment  |

How to Print Black Plastisol Ink on a White Garment

Sage Larson
We learned about printing white plastisol ink on a black shirt, but what about black plastisol ink on a white shirt? In our latest video, expert Colin Huggins explores the nuances of printing black plastisol ink on light-colored garments.
How to Register on the Riley Hopkins 250 Press with Tilt Micros  |

How to Register on the Riley Hopkins 250 Press with Tilt Micros

Sage Larson
Got your brand new Riley Hopkins 250 Press, but not quite sure how to register it? In our latest video, expert Colin Huggins goes through each step of the registration process by using the four-color design he created in the video about creating a white base in Illustrator. He offers a ton of helpful tips to ensure your print job stays in place. Watch and learn!
The Screen Printer's Best Friend: FN-INKâ„¢  |

The Screen Printer's Best Friend: FN-INKâ„¢

Sage Larson
FN-INK™ grabs your artwork by the shoulders, shakes the sleepiness out of it, hands it a cup of coffee, and pushes it out into the world. FN-INK™ m...
Clean Up: FN-INKâ„¢ vs. Perfect/Wilflex Ink  |

Clean Up: FN-INKâ„¢ vs. Perfect/Wilflex Ink

Sage Larson
After a long day of spreading emulsion, exposing, and printing, all you want is an easy cleanup so you can hit the hay fast. Luckily, we've discove...